California News Admin
Wed, February 7, 2024 at 12:06 PM
The Clovis East High School volleyball team is gearing up for another exciting season. With a mix of talented returning players and promising new additions, the team has high hopes for success. Coach Admin Admin discusses the team's goals, strengths, challenges, and strategies in this preview article. Goal setting is a key aspect of any successful team. For Coach Admin Admin and the Clovis East High School volleyball team, their goals are very clear – to win the TRAC, CIF Central Section, and D1 CIF Northern CA Regionals again this year. This is no small feat, but with their determination and hard work, it is definitely achievable. The key to success for the team lies in their strong teamwork, communication, and consistency. One of the biggest strengths of the team this year is their returning players. Seniors Gurshab Singh, Brady Durham, Tristan Moua, David Ocegueda, and Malaki Gaffney, along with juniors Michael Yang and Gordon Vang, make up the core of the team. These players have all proven themselves on the varsity level and have the experience and skill to lead the team to victory. In particular, Gurshab Singh, a 6’5” Opp with D1 potential, is a standout player who will play a vital role for the team this season. Gordon Vang is also a top setter in the area, setting up plays for the team’s powerful hitters. The team’s new players will also have the opportunity to make an impact on the team. Jared Cooper, a Junior Middle Blocker with impressive vertical jump and durability, is one to watch out for. Coach Admin Admin predicts that he will play an important role for the team this season. When it comes to selecting team captains, Coach Admin Admin looks for players who possess leadership qualities and the ability to elevate the performance of everyone around them. The team will be selecting their captains during their Varsity Retreat, where they will discuss their goals and values for the season. Team chemistry and camaraderie play a crucial role in a successful team. To foster this, the team has a number of activities planned. Their Varsity Retreat, which will also serve as the time for selecting captains, sets the tone for the rest of the season. The team also has weekly competitions in the weight room and on the court to build team chemistry and camaraderie. Additionally, the team has a tradition of bringing in former players for an Alumni Match to challenge the current team