National Spring Preview Series Admin
Thu, February 15, 2024 at 12:58 PM
The start of a new school year usually signals the beginning of another exciting sports season for high schools across the country. And at Valley View High School, the anticipation is even higher this year as the school's athletic program has been making waves in the local community. To get a better understanding of the team's potential for the upcoming season, we talked to Coach John Perez about his expectations for the Valley View High School team. Q: How would you describe the team's chemistry this year? A: The team chemistry this year is at an all-time high. The players have been working together for a couple of years now, and they have developed a strong bond both on and off the field. They understand each other's strengths and weaknesses, and they know how to support and motivate one another. One of the biggest factors contributing to this positive team chemistry is the leadership from the seniors. They have taken the responsibility of guiding the younger players and setting a good example. They have created a culture of unity and camaraderie, which has brought the team even closer together. Q: What are some of the strengths of your team this year? A: Our team is blessed with a lot of talented players, but I believe our biggest strength is our versatility. We have players who can play multiple positions and excel in all of them. This helps us to be more dynamic and flexible in our gameplay. Our defense is also a major strength this year. We have a solid defense line that is disciplined and organized. They have been working hard on their positioning and communication skills, which has resulted in fewer goals conceded during scrimmages and preseason games. Furthermore, our midfielders are exceptional in controlling the tempo of the game and initiating attacks. They have a great understanding of when to push forward and when to hold back, which gives us an advantage in dominating possession. Q: Are there any new players on the team who you think will make a significant impact this year? A: Yes, we have a few new players who have caught our attention during preseason training. One player, in particular, is a transfer from another school, and he has been a game changer for us already. He has strong technical abilities, and his speed and agility on the field are incomparable. His addition to the team has definitely strengthened our attacking options. We also have a couple of freshmen who have made it to the varsity team this year.