We need to make sure that all our players get the necessary practice and conditioning to be successful. The preparation for the upcoming season of Mira Costa High School Girls Basketball has posed a unique set of worries and difficulties for Coach Jeff Herdman. The team is facing the challenge of accommodating the many athletes who participate in multiple sports during the school year, while still ensuring they receive the adequate practice and conditioning to perform at their best. As this is an issue that has no one-size-fits-all answer, Coach Herdman is engaging with players and parents alike in order to create scheduling solutions that work for the entire team. Although not an easy task, when discussed with an open mind and interdependency, all parties have been highly motivated to come up with reasonable solutions toward reaching team success. Coach Herdman and the Mira Costa High School Girls Basketball team are confident they will rise to this challenge and be better prepared and ready to compete than ever before.