, Lourdes Pineda and Citlalli Hernandez. Coach Richard Miranda of Strathmore High School Girls Basketball team looks for leadership qualities that show players leading by example. Currently, five of his players are holding the role of captain or battling for that role - Alexis Ibarra Sanchez, Jennifer Gonzalez, Alyssa Gonzalez, Lourdes Pineda and Citlalli Hernandez. These players have exemplified leadership, making them beacons of hard work and dedication to their team. These captains have taken on a larger responsibility in order to unify their teams and strive to push each other to be their best. Whether it's during practices or in games, these players show up to strive for success and give their all. These five captains have shown what it takes to be a leader and be an example that their team can look up to. Coach Richard Miranda has full trust and confidence in these players and they continuously show why they deserve the roles they have now.