Monterey Trail High School is gearing up for another exciting season of basketball this year and is looking to make it back to the league title. Led by Coach David Whitsett, the team is eager to get on the court and show off what they have been working on since last season. The coaching staff and team have been putting in the work in the offseason to build on the team’s strengths and improve upon weaknesses. When asked about the team’s goals this season, Coach Whitsett emphasizes that the key to success is having a strong team defense and getting the new team members acclimated to the system. Leading the team will be its top returning players, Aaliyah Youngblood (Ghetti) and Aaliyah Knox (AK). Aaliyah Youngblood is a crafty guard that knows how to work her way to the basket, while Aaliyah Knox is known for her smooth operators and deadly jump shot. With some new additions to the team, the Wilson Twins Alia and Sydney will also be looking to make an instant impact. Both come from a championship background and already have the team spirit needed to make it in the league. As for what Coach Whitsett look for in potential team captains, he opts for his seniors, who have worked hard and been part of the team for the past 3 years. To ensure good team chemistry and camaraderie, Coach Whitsett has set forth team bonding activities meant to get each player to learn something special about all their teammates. In terms of motivation, Coach Whitsett works with each individual as everyone is different. He meets with the players to ask them what they want to accomplish and what they want to do and then sets goals for them. The biggest challenge getting everyone understanding and adapting to their roles, but with hard work and dedication, the team should be able to start the season with a strong foundation. The team’s schedule for this season includes playing a few top-rated teams such as McClatchy, Oak Ridge, or Antelope in the West Coast Jamboree. Although Coach Whitsett’s coaching style has not differed from previous years, he has added extra core training and changed some of the plays to be more aggressive when it comes to getting to the basket. The mental aspect of the game is very important for the Monterey Trail Team as Coach Whitsett teaches his team how to be mentally tough and prepared to face any situation, no matter the odds. The team’s strengths are its excellent team chemistry as the whole team knows how to work together effectively. Weakness could be at times the team trying to be too aggressive when it does not need to be. However, with a strong work ethic and dedication to training and conditioning, the team will look to build up its strength. Coach Whitsett emphasizes his coaching philosophy to make defense a priority, as this will afford easy buckets for the team. Lastly, this year’s team has made improvements to communication on the court, as players need to be vocal and be able to adjust quickly. They do this through a drill where one player is blindfolded and the other teammates guide them move with the ball. To ensure academics along with sports, Coach Whitsett has grade checks done weekly to make sure players are up to date on their assignments. Overall, the Monterey Trail High School team looks to build up off past experience and have a successful season. Fans and spectators can expect an intense, fast-paced game of basketball every time the team takes the court. The team and its coaching staff are hard at work getting ready, and they hope to have the full support of the community when they get on the court.