Building a successful team goes beyond physical prowess; the mental aspect of the game is essential. Coach Shonyta Pouncey of Segerstrom High School Girls Basketball team knows this, saying “Huge. They have been way better than any of my years with that this year.” Mental strength is the foundation of their training, and with it, they’ve become unbeatable. Through mental training, Coach Pouncey has been able to create an atmosphere of trust and mental resilience amongst the team. Allowing them to push through their own personal barriers to reach higher levels of success. The team’s hard-working attitude and strong mental network have enabled them to excel beyond their expectations, proving that teamwork and collaboration make all the difference. By building a strong relationship of trust and a shared sense of purpose, each team member is now able to find success in a way that pushes them to work hard and reach their full potential. Having Coach Pouncey in charge of the team has unlocked a combination of skill, knowledge, and ability that makes them unstoppable. Whether they’re looking for personal growth or winning their next game, Segerstrom High School’s Girls Basketball team is ready to take on whatever challenge is put in front of them with a strong mental foundation.