As the Segerstrom High School Girls Basketball season comes to a close, Coach Shonyta Pouncey wants to emphasize how much she and the team have appreciated the immense love and support from their fans and supporters. Coach Pouncey proudly declares, “The girls always with me appreciate you all for coming out”. It is only because of this dedicated fan base that the team was able to have such an incredible season. From early morning practices, to 2-a-days, to game nights, Segerstrom's crew was fueled by their fans cheering them on every step of the way. As a token of her gratitude to the fanbase, Coach Pouncey and the Segerstrom Dreamcatchers thank everyone for taking part in this season's journey. This heartfelt appreciation is further proof of the strong bond between team and fans. As the season comes to a close, Coach Pouncey and the Segerstrom Dreamcatchers are grateful for the fans who showed up, tuned in, and cheered them on. Thank you for your support this season!