For the AH High School Girls Basketball team, coach Joanne Winterstein recognizes that the mental aspect of the game is paramount to the team's success. 66% of students in the school don't view themselves in a positive light, which is understood by coach Winterstein. She works to build up her players' mental confidence in themselves and their abilities, understanding that the attitudes of her players will shape the performance of the team. Through team-building exercises, motivating activities, and other positive reinforcement tactics, coach Winterstein works hard to ensure that her team has a confident and secure mental foundation. She focuses on providing her players with a sense of empowerment so that they can tackle any challenge they face with determination and strength. The AH High School Girls Basketball team has been growing and thriving under coach Joanne Winterstein's pro-mental empowerment approach and she is dedicated to nurturing the resilient players she's been blessed to coach.