but I am hoping to help the girls stay mentally and physically tough for each game. The Andrew Hill High School Girls Basketball team plans to keep it simple this season and focus on fundamentals. Coach Joanne Winterstein's priority is to make sure the girls stay mentally and physically prepared going into each game. She believes having a strong and resilient team is the key to success. According to Coach Joanne, that means focusing on stationary drills, blocking out, timing and shooting accuracy. And it doesn't end there—the team will also try to increase their physical endurance and stay on top of their defensive game. Coach Joanne knows that fundamentals are what will get any team through the season and will give the Andrew Hill High School Girls Basketball team an edge this year. This is a season that will ultimately be determined by how tough and resilient the team can remain mentally and physically over the course of the season. With Coach Joanne at the helm, they are more than ready to take on the competition.