Boomer Elmsdale
Tue, February 20, 2024 at 07:02 AM
Our team at Alliance ESAT High School is excited and ready for the upcoming season. Our main goal is to build strong team chemistry and become a cohesive unit on and off the court. We are also aiming to specialize in skills and positions with the increased understanding of the game from both our players and myself. We have some top returning players this season, including Alex Bustamante, a raw and athletic player who has shown great potential as only a sophomore. Another key returner is Josue Cortez-Sandoval, a dedicated and ambitious player who is stepping into the role of setter this year. I have high hopes for him to become a thoughtful player and leader on the court. We also have a few new players who I believe will make an immediate impact on the team. One of them is Alex Martinez, a senior with a great personality and a positive spirit. He is a true student of the game and is always eager to learn and improve. For potential captains, I look for players who can lead by example both on and off the court. This includes being a good teammate, working hard, having good sportsmanship, and being a positive role model. As a coach, I especially value a captain's ability to stay positive and motivate their teammates during games. Building team chemistry and camaraderie is crucial for our success this season. We have implemented weekly share circles, where we discuss our individual and team strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, we are planning to attend a college game as a team, which I believe will help us bond and draw inspiration from high-level players. Motivating players to push themselves to their full potential is something that I prioritize as a coach. I make sure to communicate with each player individually and provide positive reinforcement and encouragement. I also emphasize the importance of hard work and dedication in achieving our goals as a team. The biggest challenge in preparing for this season has been finding enough practice time and resources, as many of our players are involved in other extracurricular activities. However, we have been able to make the most of the time we have and have been working hard to improve our skills and teamwork. Our team's schedule for this season includes games against tough opponents, but we are looking forward to the challenge. We have been preparing mentally and physically for these games and are excited to see how far we can go as a team.