California Preview
Mon, July 29, 2024 at 08:07 AM . California
The volleyball team at Fresno Christian High School is gearing up for another exciting season on the court. With a mix of experienced returning players and some new faces, they are ready to take on any challenges that come their way. We had the opportunity to chat with Coach Steve Guglielmana and get an inside look at the team's preparation and goals for the upcoming season. One of the key strengths of the team this year is their top returning players: Sarah Guglielmana, Jordyn DeGroot, Krista Brady, and Sianna Castro. These four athletes have been the foundation of the beach program and the indoor program, and their experience and skills will be invaluable to the team's success. What sets them apart is not just their physical abilities, but also their strong dedication to honoring God and each other. As Coach Guglielmana says, "The goals for our team are very simple, Honor God and Honor each other. This is the key to life." Their faith and strong moral values make them not only great athletes but also great leaders and role models for their teammates. In addition to the returning players, Coach Guglielmana is also excited about the potential impact of some new players on the team. However, due to the small size of the school and the overlap of other extracurricular activities, they won't know who will be joining the team until the spring season is in full swing. This makes it difficult to predict which players will step up and become leaders on the court, but it also creates a unique opportunity for players to come together and form new bonds as a team. When it comes to team chemistry and camaraderie, Coach Guglielmana's philosophy is centered on selflessness and teamwork. They look for players who are willing to put their teammates before themselves and create a culture of support rather than competition. This will be crucial in maintaining a positive and cohesive environment on the team, especially since they have to share their players with the softball team during the same season. As for motivation and pushing players to reach their full potential, the team relies on guidance and examples from the Bible to build upon their existing team chemistry. "We motivate our athletes by understanding that each day is a gift and we can either use it or waste the opportunities that we have," says Coach Guglielmana.