Track & Field
Boomer Elmsdale
Fri, February 23, 2024 at 12:02 PM . California
We have a great group of kids this year who are dedicated and motivated to bring success to our school and community. We are ready to make our mark in the track and field world and represent Golden Valley with pride. We thank our fans and supporters for their continuous love and encouragement during this journey. As the new track and field season approaches, all eyes are on the team at Golden Valley High School. After a successful year last season, where they were able to win league for boys and make great strides for the growth team, Coach Will Cross is determined to see even greater success this year. We had the opportunity to sit down with Coach Cross to get a preview of what's in store for Golden Valley this season. Coach Cross shared that the overall goal for the team this year is to once again bring home the league title for both the boys and girls teams. Additionally, they plan to compete with other schools in the town and make their mark in the track and field world. This ambitious goal is not only a testament to the team's dedication, but also their determination to continue to raise the bar and set new standards for Golden Valley. In terms of keys to success, Coach Cross believes that consistency will play a vital role this season. With an increase in the number of athletes on the team, it is important for them to stay committed to attending practices, completing their workouts, and giving their all at each competition. This consistency will help keep the team focused and motivated to achieve their goals. When asked about how he motivates his players to push themselves to their full potential, Coach Cross explained that he uses the team's previous performances as a source of motivation. Last season, Golden Valley struggled to compete with other schools, but that is in the past now. Coach Cross encourages his players to focus on the present and look forward to the future. By constantly reminding them of how far they have come, he instills a sense of determination and drive in them to continue striving for greatness. Despite their previous success, Coach Cross acknowledges that there will be challenges in preparing for the upcoming season. One of the biggest challenges he faces is the lack of faith some of the players have in themselves. To combat this, he emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself and each other. By consistently building their confidence and reminding them of their potential, Coach Cross hopes to overcome this challenge and lead his team to victory.