Track & Field
Boomer Elmsdale
Tue, February 20, 2024 at 01:02 AM
The Imperial High School track team is gearing up for a highly anticipated season, with Coach Wolfgang Horner at the helm. As the team's head coach, Horner has been dedicated to developing a team that embodies unity, hard work, and a passion for the sport. He has high hopes for his team this year and believes that with the right mindset and work ethic, the Imperial High School track team can achieve their goals. The team's primary goals for this season are to become I.V.L. (Imperial Valley League) and Division 3 champions. Horner is confident that his team has the potential to reach these goals and believes that the key to their success lies in a combination of hard work, determination, and team camaraderie. When asked about the top returning players from last season, Coach Horner immediately mentions skilled jumper Jared Nixon and sprinter Alfredo Darami. Both players have shown incredible talent and have proven themselves as valuable assets to the team. According to Horner, Nixon's excellent jumping abilities and Darami's speed and agility have set them apart from the other players and have made them crucial members of the team. In addition to the returning players, Horner is excited about the potential of two new players, Jared and Alfredo. He believes that they will make an immediate impact on the team and contribute greatly to their success. With a strong foundation of skilled and experienced players, the Imperial High School track team is poised to have a successful season. When it comes to selecting team captains, Horner looks for team leaders who not only perform at their best on the track but also serve as role models for the younger players. The team captains play a crucial role in fostering team chemistry and camaraderie. As of now, the team captains have not been announced as Horner wants to see how the team dynamics progress during the season before making any final decisions. To ensure a unified and motivated team, Coach Horner has placed a significant emphasis on team chemistry and camaraderie this season. He plans on organizing team-building activities, creating a positive and supportive team culture, and fostering a sense of collective achievement among the players. He believes that when the team is bound together by a strong sense of camaraderie, they will be able to achieve their goals more easily. Furthermore, motivating the players to push themselves to their full potential is another crucial aspect of building a successful team.