National Spring Preview Series Admin
Thu, February 15, 2024 at 12:13 PM
It's an exciting time for the Loara High School softball team as they prepare for the upcoming season. Coach Marissa Ezell is determined to lead her team to success and build upon their improvement from last year. In this preview article, we'll delve into the strengths and challenges of the team, their key players, and the strategies they will use to achieve their goals. This season, the team's main focus is to become a threat in the final season of the Garden Grove League. Coach Ezell believes that their strong returning players, including both pitchers and their catcher, will play a crucial role in the team's leadership and success on the field. But what sets this team apart from others is their ability to have fun and create a positive atmosphere both on and off the field. Coach Ezell emphasizes that no matter if you're a starter on the varsity team or a bench player on JV, everyone interacts and shares laughs, which she believes will have a strong impact on their performance. The team also has a new addition this season, as player Crystal Carrillo has returned from San Diego. Coach Ezell praises her for making everything look easy and expects her to make a smooth transition from a utility player to her new role as the team's shortstop. In terms of leadership, the team has three captains for this season. Lisa Trejo, a four-year player, has shown tremendous growth and maturity throughout her career. Sinamapu Fina'i, who was initially pushed down as a freshman, has used that experience as fuel to become a positive influence on and off the field. And Laisha Santaolalla, though only a junior, has already proven her maturity and leadership by taking on the role of the "mama bear" for every team she's been on. Coach Ezell believes that this team is different from last season because they fight for each other and build each other up, creating a united front on the field. She also stresses the importance of having hope and pushing through the struggles, as this program has produced two Olympic softball players in its history. One of the challenges the team faces is the ability to use their fields for practice. With no fences, they often have to compete for space with other sports teams. But despite this obstacle, Coach Ezell and her team remain determined and have prepared an extensive schedule that caters to their strengths and weaknesses.