California News Admin
Wed, February 7, 2024 at 10:01 AM
The Oskaloosa High School baseball team is gearing up for an exciting and competitive season. With a talented group of returning players and a promising lineup of new players, the team has high hopes of bringing home the conference championship and qualifying for the state tournament. Coach Admin Admin has been leading the team for several years now and is excited about the potential of this year's squad. The team's overall goals for this season are to win the conference championship and qualify for the state tournament. These are lofty goals, but with the talent and dedication of the players, they are certainly achievable. The key to success for the team will be staying focused and working hard both on and off the field. The players will need to push themselves in each practice and game, always striving to be better and improve their skills. One of the team's biggest strengths this season will be their returning players. Trenten VanHoutan, Barrett Heston, Gunner Rockhold, and Coy Perry are all top returning players who were recognized for their performance last season. VanHoutan is an All League and HM All-State pitcher with an impressive record of 8-0 and 78 strikeouts. Heston, an All League and HM All-State catcher, had a batting average of .364, 24 hits, and 17 RBI last season. Rockhold, an All League and HM All-State outfielder, had a .334 batting average, 22 hits, and 1 home run. Perry, an HM All League and HM All-State third baseman, had a batting average of .403, 25 hits, and 2 home runs. These returning players bring a combination of talent, experience, and leadership to the team, making them special and key players to watch this season. While the returning players will undoubtedly make a significant impact on the team's success this season, there are also new players that Coach Admin Admin has his eye on. Hunter Miller, Jesse Phillips, Nick Bradshaw, and Carter Subleka are all players the coach sees making an immediate impact on the team this season. These players have been working hard in the offseason and have shown great potential in practices and scrimmages leading up to the season. Look for them to make their mark on the field and contribute to the team's success this year. Preparing for this season has brought some challenges for the team. They are starting their season earlier this year and playing six more games than they did last year. This will