California News Admin
Wed, February 7, 2024 at 16:17 PM
The 2020-2021 wrestling season is officially underway for the Ripon High School team. With new players and a strong returning core, Coach Admin Admin is aiming high for the team's performance this year. We had the chance to sit down with Coach Admin Admin for an exclusive preview and get a closer look at the Ripon High School wrestling team. The goal for this season is clear for Coach Admin Admin, who has been coaching for over 25 years. "My goal is for our team to finish in the top two of the TVL and qualify for Team Sections," says Coach Admin Admin. A top two finish in the Tri-Valley League (TVL) and securing a spot in the Team Sections would be a major achievement for the team and a testament to their hard work and dedication. The key to success, according to Coach Admin Admin, is having a strong core of players who are both skilled and have the right attitude. There are several returning players from last season who fit this description, including Joaquin Rodriguez, Austin Barros, Bradley Eldredge, and David Banales. "Each of these players brings something special to the team," says Coach Admin Admin. Joaquin Rodriguez, a sophomore, is a rising star in the wrestling world. He qualified for the SJS Master Tournament last year as a freshman and has shown tremendous improvement since then. "We're looking for him to do big things this year," says Coach Admin Admin. Austin Barros, a junior, has been wrestling for Ripon High School for three years and has already made significant improvements. "He works hard every day and has a great attitude," praises Coach Admin Admin. Barros is expected to be a big part of the team's success this season. Senior Bradley Eldredge is a four-year wrestler for Ripon High School and is currently recovering from an injury. However, when he returns, Coach Admin Admin expects him to be an important part of the team both as a wrestler and as a leader. "Bradley has been with us for four years and has shown great dedication and leadership," says Coach Admin Admin. Junior David Banales has been wrestling for Ripon High School for three years and has made significant improvements this year. "He's a hard worker and has put in the time to get better," says Coach Admin Admin. Banales' hard work and dedication are expected to have a positive impact on the team's performance this season. Coach