National Spring Preview Series Admin
Thu, February 15, 2024 at 15:24 PM
It's that time of year again - the beginning of baseball season! For San Marin High School, the team is gearing up for a successful year with their sights set on MCAL and NCS victories. To get a deeper understanding of the team and their goals for this year, we sat down with Coach Jamie Vattuone to get a preview of what fans can expect to see on the field. When asked about the team's main goal for the season, Coach Vattuone responded, "Our first goal is to win the pitch, inning, and game in front of us. We believe that if we focus on taking it one step at a time, we can achieve our long-term goal of winning MCAL and making an NCS run to earn a spot in the NorCal finals." Looking at the roster for this year, the team boasts a number of talented returners, including seniors Anthony Scheppler, Cole Chamberlain, Jake Simpson, and junior Sean McGrath. These players were key members of the team last year and have higher level aspirations for this season. Coach Vattuone also highlighted several juniors who will play crucial roles on the team, such as Tyler Keehn at first base and on the mound, Joey Cipollina in the outfield and on the mound, and Hugh Brady in the middle infield. Sophomore Matthew Baldino will also see playing time at both infield and catcher positions. When it comes to leadership, Coach Vattuone knows the importance of having strong team leaders. He said, "We look for good team leaders that will hold themselves as well as their teammates accountable. It's still early in the season and we are still working on determining who will fill that role." He also emphasized the importance of team chemistry, stating that "a team that works hard together can learn to win together." The team will focus on building this chemistry both on and off the field, making time outside of practice to bond and strengthen their relationships. One of the ways the team plans on preparing for pressure situations and tough competition is through their practice regimen. Coach Vattuone explained, "We like to create difficult situations in practice to help our players develop the mental toughness and skills needed to handle pressure situations during games." This type of preparation will be crucial as the team faces tough opponents throughout the season. As for the weather, Coach Vattuone understands that it can play a factor in games.