Boomer Elmsdale
Fri, February 16, 2024 at 11:02 AM
As the new high school sports season approaches, excitement is building for the boys' volleyball team at Willow Glen High School. After a challenging year filled with uncertainty due to the pandemic, Coach Thomas Ruark is determined to lead his team to success and establish a strong, cohesive unit. With only two returning players on the Varsity team, Coach Ruark faced the challenge of building a new roster. However, he was confident in the abilities of his backup setter, Daryan Azimi, who was promoted to primary setter towards the end of last season. Azimi has shown consistency in his sets and excellent decision-making on the court, making him a valuable asset to the team. In addition, Coach Ruark had a strong Junior Varsity team last year, with many talented sophomores who are now looking to secure starting positions on the Varsity team. Among them is Levi Hawthorpe, a 6'1" player known for his speed and ability to easily dunk a basketball. Coach Ruark is excited to see Hawthorpe in action this season, believing he will be a dynamic player to watch. Aside from on-court abilities, Coach Ruark understands the importance of leadership and team dynamics. He believes that captains should act as role models and hold their teammates accountable, leading by example. This was an area where the team lacked in the previous season, and Coach Ruark acknowledges it was a mistake on his part. To rectify this, the team plans to have more bonding exercises and get-togethers throughout the season, which will build trust and camaraderie among the players. Communication is another crucial aspect that Coach Ruark is prioritizing this year. With a new team, he recognizes the need for over-communicating on the court, ensuring that new players fully understand their roles and responsibilities. By fostering open communication, the team can function seamlessly and work together towards victory. Academics is also a top priority for Coach Ruark and the Willow Glen High School team. As academics always come first at the school, he is proud of his players' commitment to their studies and how rarely homework or grades become an issue for the team. This discipline and dedication to both sports and academics allow the players to excel both on and off the court. In conclusion, Coach Ruark has high hopes for the Willow Glen High School boys' volleyball team this season.